Happy Birthday to Florence…
MARCH 19, 2014 FLORENCE’S BIRTHDAY PARTY: It’s been very windy…too windy to do lots outside today for Florence’s birthday. Yesterday we went to the Clubhouse to mix with “the folks”… wouldn’t want to hang out there too often. So today we decided to celebrate Florence’s birthday at the Blue Water Resort and Casino for lunch. … Continue reading
Searching for burros…
MARCH 16, 2014 – NEAR THE COLORADO RIVER IN ARIZONA. OUR SUNDAY DRIVE. We decided to take a drive today and shoot some pictures. We’d planned to cross Parker Dam and head toward Laughlin…one of our favorite drives. However, on the way our plans changed and it turned out to be a fun day, even … Continue reading
Emerald Cove near the Parker Dam…
MARCH 15, 2014 EMERALD COVE – EARP, CALIFORNIA. (Who do you suppose was the idiot who decided to name the town “Earp?” Can you imagine what a good stand-up comic could do with that?) Anyhow, we’ve been camping here along the Colorado River for a few days now. Our friends Stan and Therese are parked … Continue reading
Our friends Stan and Therese…
February 21, 2014 So far during our Adventure, we’ve made some friends…some really good friends. Stan and Therese easily top the list. Back in October, when Florence and I were scrambling around town trying to wrap up our affairs before starting our “shakedown cruise” we stayed for quite a while at Sweetwater Summit Regional Park … Continue reading