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Eateries in Yuma, Arizona…

NOVEMBER 16, 2013 Famous Dave’s Barbecue Being in Yuma, the lettuce growing capitol of the world and home to mostly migrant farm workers, I was a little surprised that there were some pretty good places to eat near our campground. One was a joint called Famous Dave’s Barbecue. (As I re-read this post in March … Continue reading »

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Our stay in Yuma…

NOVEMBER 15, 2013 If you like to watch lettuce grow, Yuma is the spot to do it. In fact, I was told by the locals that 90% of all lettuce consumed in the entire world is grown here. That’s probably a slight exaggeration, but not by much. Everywhere one looks are fields of lettuce: iceberg … Continue reading »

Categories: Arizona, Colorado River, History, Yuma | Comments Off on Our stay in Yuma…

Away we go…

NOVEMBER 5, 2013 Finally, on November 5, 2013 our Journey officially began as we departed Sweetwater Summit heading for a Colorado River Adventures park in Yuma, Arizona, where we had reservations to stay at the Yuma Lakes Campground. The drive from San Diego to Yuma was uneventful…our new coach ran like a dream. It’s as … Continue reading »

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