February 21, 2014

We met these two at Sweetwater Summit last November and since then they’ve become good friends. When we part ways, it’s going to be tough saying even a temporary “Good Bye.” I took this picture when we camped with them at the Colorado River. 2014.
So far during our Adventure, we’ve made some friends…some really good friends. Stan and Therese easily top the list. Back in October, when Florence and I were scrambling around town trying to wrap up our affairs before starting our “shakedown cruise” we stayed for quite a while at Sweetwater Summit Regional Park in Bonita. The morning after we pulled in to our site, we said hello to our neighbors…kind of “in passing” as we jumped in the car headed out to do something that seemed important at the time. When we returned, we started chatting and three months later we’re still chatting. Turns out this super-nice couple is serving as Camp Hosts at the Park. Stan’s about our age and Therese, bless her heart, is about 10 years younger…the baby of the group! He’s a retired cross-country trucker and long time professional musician. She’s a retired nurse. They’re from Oregon, one of our favorite spots in the whole world! Each has an interesting past and lots of stories. Love it!
We spent time with them most every day until we departed the Park in early November last year. We talked about kids, politics, past experiences, the Oregon coast and other hot topics….we’re alike in many ways and we’ve come to like and respect them a lot. We stayed in touch while we explored Arizona and have hooked-up with them again now…February, 2014. We’ve enjoyed coffee, dinner and entertainment together (Actually, Stan was the entertainment. See my post dated February 22, titled “Steamin’ Stan Ruffo.”). They are leaving in a few weeks as we are. So, we decided to all visit the Colorado River before they head north to Oregon and we explore Lake Mead and parts north. In May, we will visit them at their next Camp Hosting spot: Cavitt Creek Falls, near Roseburg. The pictures of the Falls we’ve seen are beautiful. Forested land surrounding a river and waterfalls…doesn’t get much better than that. And, the place is small: only ten sites. All four of us are “ready to go” and can’t wait ‘to hit the road real soon!
When we get to the River, I’ll pick up this story where I’m leaving it now. Good times are in store. We will be camping right on the River at Emerald Cove. Florence has researched the entertainment scene (Believe it or not, there actually is some in that area!) and plans to lead us to Water-boarding Races, interaction with wild burros, and other fun events. We’ll see.
UPDATE… MARCH 2015: Stan turned 64 this month and bought himself “a little something” that every guy needs at some point: a Harley Davidson bike. He and Therese picked it up in Las Vegas and rode it all the way home to the Oregon coast! Wow.
We’re really missing these guys. Looking back, some of our most fun times since we began our Adventure were spent with them! Can’t wait for our paths to cross again…and they certainly will!
UPDATE… APRIL 2015: First a Harley and now a house! Stan just bought a home in Bullhead City, Arizona…right near the Colorado River. Yeah…I’ve always wanted to be at the River for a couple of months and be a River Rat…now, with a little luck, we’ve got a place to stay so I can do just that. We can’t wait to see their place and get wet in the River again. So many memories…