Finally…an alligator sighting!

APRIL 26, 2015                                            GULF SHORES, ALABAMA


First thing this morning. 

I’VE BEEN SEARCHING AND SEARCHING. As those of you who’ve been following my blog are aware, I’ve been looking for alligators ever since we arrived in the deep South several weeks ago. I mean, seeing alligators while picnicking at a park in San Diego is just not something that’s gonna happen, right? Or probably where you live, either. So, I’ve really been looking forward to “wowing” you guys with some pictures of these frightening animals. But I’ve not been able to deliver. I’ve spent countless hours searching, but despite the advanced reptile hunting tactics I’ve employed, I’ve so far been unsuccessful. I feared that you’d not any longer be on the edge of your seats with anticipation…that you might by now have turned your attention to Hillary’s budding presidential campaign or something like that. Well, all of that’s changed. Today, in fact right this moment, your patience will be rewarded!


Late this afternoon. 

FINALLY, AN ALLIGATOR SIGHTING!  This morning began no differently than any other. I had my breakfast protein shake with a side of wheat germ, donned my fly-fishing waders and set out on my daily 3 mile run. I’m not sure what prompted it, but I decided to alter my route a bit . Today I wouldn’t jog to the nearby athletic stadium and run up and down the bleacher stairs as I usually do. Rather, I’d venture into the coastal marshland behind the local Wal-mart store, where surely I’d be likely to find some ‘gators. Bingo! About 20 yards into the swamp, in waist-deep muck, a real live gator rounded the corner and began approaching me at rapid speed. He looked hungry…even angry.

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The Diner. “Food that breaks hunger, not the bank.”

APRIL 25, 2015           ORANGE BEACH, ALABAMA

diner3IT’S CALLED “THE DINER.” This joint is special. So is my story about it.  And the name is just “The Diner.” Not to be confused with “Duck’s Diner” or any other “diner” in the beach area. Just “The Diner.” I knew this place was special the moment we arrived. It was kind of dark inside…way casual. A few neon beer signs on the walls. A cozy little bar tucked in the corner with a few locals perched on their regular stools. Several distinct rooms…one with pool tables, a jukebox and a few arcade-type games. It’s open every day, has a special Sunday brunch and best of all, the bar is open ’til 2 am, with lots of food available ’til the bitter end. It reminded me of one of the dives in Newport Beach, California I always enjoyed so much way back in the day. They weren’t too much to look at, but the food was good, the vibes were good and everyone always had fun. Could it really be that long ago?

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The Farmers Market in Foley, Alabama…

APRIL 25, 2015       FOLEY, ALABAMA.


THE MARKET. Just a few miles down the road from the beach at Gulf Shores is the little town of Foley, Alabama. The Farmers Market farmers2in these parts is located there. The comfortable , covered facility is open year-round, rain or shine.  The Market makes productive use of its property to support Gulf Coast horticulture, healthy living and locally grown foods. The vendors, all local farmers and fishermen, truck their fresh, high quality produce, organic beef, seafood and other delicious foods to the market every Saturday, and sell to local townsfolk and commercial establishments alike.

GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS. The good news is that there’s a local farmers and fishermen’s market nearby, where I can conveniently get fresh produce and seafood. The quality seemed good when we visited today. The open-air canopied building is clean, comfortable and well-maintained. It’s just minutes from Bella Terra, where we’ll be staying.  The bad news is that, despite all the hype about it, the market is very small…not nearly the selection of the ones I’m used to shopping in San Diego. But I’ll patronize this one anyway, because I always try to shop at local farms.

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Lots to do in Gulf Shores!

APRIL 24, 2015.                                                                  GULF SHORES, ALABAMA.

thingsLOTS TO SEE AND DO. We’re still kickin’ around Gulf Shores previewing the area before our lengthy stay next winter. There is so much to see and do, and the weather is absolutely perfect.We’re finding it hard to leave. And I learned from my Mom years ago how to find your way around in a new town. She and Dad traveled extensively…sometimes as much as 9 months a year, and they had friends all over the world. They knew the “ins and outs” of cities in Europe, South America and the Orient so well they could have been tour guides! I remember asking Mom one time, “How do you know so much about all the cities you’ve visited? You seem to know as much about Paris as the folks who live there.” She chuckled and told me, “Here’s how you do it. You just bury your inhibitions and ask the locals anything you want to know. Just strike up a conversation. Forget the tourist literature and guide books. Just ask the folks who live there. They love to talk about where they live.”

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Gulf Shores, Alabama…

APRIL 18, 2015


One of the white sugar sand beaches at Gulf Shores.

GULF SHORES, ALABAMA. Until now, I never gave much thought to the state of Alabama. In fact until now I never really gave much thought to any of the southern states in our country. I was raised by Ivy League schooled parents, spent most of my life living at the beach on the West Coast and never knew anyone who spoke with a southern accent. I saw the movie “Deliverance,” and knew for a fact that I never wanted to encounter any of those grizzled mountain men who messed with Burt Reynolds and John Voight during their canoe trip in the remote wilderness of the deep South. Mind you, I really had nothing against Southerners… just never reckoned I’d never meet one or spend any time in their part of the country. I’m so glad I was mistaken! We’re gonna like it here!

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Lambert’s Cafe…”home of throwed rolls.”

APRIL 17, 2015. 


You can’t miss the sign for Lambert’s Cafe, in Foley, Alabama.

FOLEY, ALABAMA. Foley is a neat little town “next door” to Gulf Shores, Alabama. It’s just a short drive to the beaches of the Gulf. Ever since we arrived a few days ago and began asking the locals for restaurant recommendations, we kept being told, “You’ve got to try Lambert’s Cafe in the town of Foley. The food is good and you’ll have a ball.” So we went there. And the food was good. And we did have a ball.

LAMBERT’S CAFE. We didn’t have any trouble locating the joint. The place has a big sign and is definitely “The Only Home of Throwed Rolls.” Period paraphernalia is thick at Lambert’s. There is plenty to look at before or after you eat and they are pretty proud of some of the things they have on display. ‘Course if you are of the right age, some of the things might bring a tear to your eye, remembering how things used to be.

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A major change in plans…

APRIL 11,2015


We’re “outta here.” We’re heading East on Hwy 10 toward Alabama. We’ll return to New Orleans when the weather is better.


Sorry you guys…no alligators this time. I’ll find ’em next year!


LEAVING NEW ORLEANS. We’ve changed our plans. A major weather event is approaching. It’s going to be very stormy here..heavy rain, high winds and thunderstorms… for the next seven or eight days. We’d be “housebound” if we stayed. So, we’re leaving in the morning and heading to Gulf Shores, Alabama. We’ll come back to New Orleans next year when the weather is better. I hate to leave without doing all we’d planned, but having the flexibility to change our travel plans as needed is one of the real benefits of motorhome travel.

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Baton Rouge plantation country…

APRIL 8, 2015     

PLANTATION COUNTRY. Plantations in the Baton Rouge area supported by enslaved house servants and field workers fueled Louisiana’s economy for many years before the Civil War and emancipation. We toured an elaborate and beautiful antebellum mansion and experienced what life was like at these centers of massive cotton, sugar cane and rice plantations. Behind the scenes, we also had a glimpse of the institution of slavery in the deep south and how only by the dehumanization of slaves was this era of American history even made possible. It’s unpleasant to trace the actual steps of the slaves at Oak Alley…to see where they lived and lay eyes on the restraints and whips used to punish them. But ignoring the past doesn’t erase it. Nor does it provide an opportunity to learn from it. We must apply our knowledge about it to confront prejudice and discrimination as it exists  in our world today.


Our tour of Oak Alley Plantation was top notch! Docents in period costumes were very knowledgeable and entertaining. We were free to roam around the grounds as we wished.

THE GRANDE DAME OF GREAT RIVER ROAD.  One of the highlights of our visit to Baton Rouge was today’s day-trip to see Oak Alley Plantation. Located on Great River Road in the little town of Vacherie, the house occupies a beautiful piece of property on the banks of the great Mississippi River. It is one of the finest examples of an antebellum plantation in the entire southern United States. It is named after its distinguishing feature…an alley or canopied path created by a double row of live oak trees which run between the house and the Mississippi River.

A LITTLE HISTORY. The plantation was established in 1830 to grow sugar cane. The mansion itself was built entirely with enslaved labor and was completed in 1839.  Although the plantation was not physically damaged during the Civil War, the economic distractions of the war and the end of slavery made it no longer economically viable to operate. The buildings gradually fell into disrepair, but they were extensively restored and modernized by a new owner in 1925. In 1972 the last owners to live in the residence donated it to the Oak Alley Foundation, which now presents it as a public attraction and prime example of antebellum life and times in the state of Louisiana. Read more »

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Baton Rouge, Louisiana…

APRIL 6, 2015

BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA. Finally I’ve had a chance to meet “Ol’ Man River.” We’re in the deep South, where folks speak with pronounced southern accents and address us as “y’all.” Where there are stately antebellum plantations on display, riverboats on the water and plates piled high with jambalaya, crawfish and other tasty Creole dishes.  Where the weather is delightfully warm but very humid. Baton Rouge, the state capital, is located on the eastern banks of the Mississippi River. Settled by Europeans on Native American hunting grounds, the city exudes a profound influence of English, French, Spanish, and native cultures. The city is proud of its Cajun and Creole heritage, with clubs famous for playing the blues, and streets full of restaurants serving up everything from spicy Bayou foods to Caribbean home cooking.

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Happy Easter…

TIME FLIES! This is our second Easter “on the road.” It’s hard to believe that we’ve been exploring the country in our motorhome for almost two years now. Last Easter we were at Bryce Canyon in Utah. I remember when we awoke and went outside on Easter morning, we found colored eggs on our picnic table. The Camp Host had decorated all the tables in the entire RV park. A nice touch. We had a picnic lunch at Inspiration Point in the National Park looking across an immense valley at age-old red rock formations like nowhere else in the world. Beautiful! Who’d have guessed we’d ever spend Easter morning at Bryce Canyon National Park?

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Lake Charles, Louisiana…



The Creole Nature Trail at Lake Charles, just minutes from the RV park where we’re staying. The sun was setting when we arrived this evening. 

“HELLO, GOODBYE.” “Hello, Goodbye” sang the Beetles in Paul McCartney’s famous song that topped the charts in 1967. Well, today was kind of the reverse for us. We said “So Long” to the Lone Star State of Texas and “Hello” to the state of Louisiana, as we drove to Lake Charles to spend the Easter weekend. Oh, boy! I can place another state sticker on the laminated RV travel map affixed to one of the slide-outs on our motorhome. We haven’t set a goal for ourselves to necessarily visit every state in the lower 48, but I confess that I do enjoy adding stickers to our map and charting our “progress.”

GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS. There’s good news and bad news about visiting Lake Charles. The good news is that it’s a nice city located on a beautiful lake. The bad news is that there’s a very daunting bridge on Highway 10 approaching the city. I have an aversion to driving across high bridges.

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Sodolak’s Beefmasters Restaurant…


sodolaksSODOLAK’S: THE RESTAURANT. This place is good! Nothing fancy but quite inexpensive, considering the quality of the food and service. It’s not a Ruth’s Chris or a Morton’s Steakhouse to be sure, but a darn good steak isn’t going to set you back 100 bucks, either. Sokolak’s is a small family owned steakhouse located in the Byran-College Station area, close to the George Bush Presidential Library. When planning your trip to the Library, be sure to schedule a stop here for lunch or dinner…you’ll not be disappointed, promise! We had lunch and were wowed! I had a huge Ribeye Steak cooked to the perfect temperature, served with two sides of my choice. It came with a well constructed garden dinner salad with home made blue cheese dressing, served in a frosty-cold salad bowl. All this for only $15. You can’t touch a meal like that anywhere else for the price. And for the kids…either 12 and under or 65 and older, you can select a smallish portion of almost any of the “grown-up entrees,” with fries and a drink for 5 bucks.

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George Bush (41) Presidential Library…



The President announced the beginning of Desert Storm on national TV. Remember watching the nightly news and seeing our “smart bombs” accurately hitting their targets?  

GEORGE BUSH 41. George Bush brought to the White House a dedication to traditional American values and a determination to direct them toward making the United States “a kinder and gentler nation.” In his inaugural address he pledged in “a moment rich with promise” to use American strength as “a force for good.” Bush was true to his word. A visit to his Library confirms it.

COLLEGE STATION. The library is located in College Station, on the campus of Texas A&M University. The institution promotes civic literacy and historical understanding of the national experience, and fosters a community of public service and volunteerism.

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Time to saddle up…

MARCH 25, 2015                                                          KERRVILLE, TEXAS


“On the road again…Goin’ places that I’ve never been, Seein’ things that I may never see again and I can’t wait to get on the road again.”

 -Willie Nelson

TIME TO SADDLE-UP. It’s time to saddle up, hit the road and put the Texas Hill Country in our rear-view mirror. We’ve enjoyed our stay immensely. Buckhorn Lake Resort is absolutely first-class in every respect and we’ve made some good friends during our stay. Together we’ve celebrated holidays and birthdays, enjoyed lots of day-trips, dined at darn near every restaurant in town, spent a long weekend in Corpus Christi at the beach and in general just enjoyed “hangin’ out.” It’s always hard to say goodbye. Happy trails to you guys!

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Happy Birthday, Paul…


MARCH 8, 2015

LET ME INTRODUCE THE BIRTHDAY BOY. One of the nicest things about our stay at Buckhorn Lake this winter has been meeting and getting to know our “casita-neighbors” Paul Lozano and his wife JoAnn. They own the property right across the street from where we’re staying. They’ve welcomed us and made us feel like part of their family. We’ll be hard-pressed to meet another couple along the way whose company we enjoy as much. Read more »

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Where we’re headed…

MARCH 3, 2015

WE’RE GETTING ANTSY! We’ve been in the Texas Hill Country for more than four months and as much as we love it here, we’re ready to move along. The problem is we’re heading east and the weather is still too cold to allow for comfortable travel in that direction. Accordingly, we’ll remain at Buckhorn Lake in Kerrville until the end of the month before resuming our Journey.

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Live theater at “The Garage” in Kerrville, Texas…

FEBRUARY 22, 2015

WE COULD KICK OURSELVES! We could just kick ourselves for not discovering until today themask intimate VK Garage Theater here in Kerrville. I don’t know why it’s called “the Garage” but it doesn’t matter. Absolutely charming! We’ve not seen much live theater since we left home, so a couple weeks ago when I discovered this tiny theater I made reservations to see a performance of “Weekend Comedy.” We truly enjoyed ourselves this evening! It was a steady “rat-a-tat of laugh lines.” Had we known about this gem of a place when we arrived in town about four months ago, we’d have purchased season tickets. There are only about 5 presentations each season and today’s was unfortunately the last.

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