I’VE BEEN SEARCHING AND SEARCHING. As those of you who’ve been following my blog are aware, I’ve been looking for alligators ever since we arrived in the deep South several weeks ago. I mean, seeing alligators while picnicking at a park in San Diego is just not something that’s gonna happen, right? Or probably where you live, either. So, I’ve really been looking forward to “wowing” you guys with some pictures of these frightening animals. But I’ve not been able to deliver. I’ve spent countless hours searching, but despite the advanced reptile hunting tactics I’ve employed, I’ve so far been unsuccessful. I feared that you’d not any longer be on the edge of your seats with anticipation…that you might by now have turned your attention to Hillary’s budding presidential campaign or something like that. Well, all of that’s changed. Today, in fact right this moment, your patience will be rewarded!
FINALLY, AN ALLIGATOR SIGHTING! This morning began no differently than any other. I had my breakfast protein shake with a side of wheat germ, donned my fly-fishing waders and set out on my daily 3 mile run. I’m not sure what prompted it, but I decided to alter my route a bit . Today I wouldn’t jog to the nearby athletic stadium and run up and down the bleacher stairs as I usually do. Rather, I’d venture into the coastal marshland behind the local Wal-mart store, where surely I’d be likely to find some ‘gators. Bingo! About 20 yards into the swamp, in waist-deep muck, a real live gator rounded the corner and began approaching me at rapid speed. He looked hungry…even angry.