JUNE 29, 2016
WHO BUILT YOUR WEBSITE, GREG? People ask me all the time, “How did you build such a neat website? You didn’t learn how to do it in Law School, did you?” Of course not. Or if I did, it was so long ago that I don’t remember. So after I tell a little “white lie” and take all the credit myself, I confess that I’ve had professional help for the last few years.
CAN YOU BE A LITTLE MORE SPECIFIC? Certainly. Although I was clearly a graphic artist in a former life, that’s not how I do it. No, I do all the writing and composing. I select the WordPress themes and customization them. I generate the design goals. I take the photos and spend hours editing them with Photoshop and Adobe Elements. I arguably spend way too much time working on my blog. For example, the popular “Finally, an Alligator Sighting” post dated 4-26-15 took more than three hours to write. I spend time every day working on details, writing, editing and adding images. But Ryan is with me every step of the way. For example, you’ll notice that he’s just added some toe-tapping music, a “tip jar,” an upgraded contact form and a small logo to my site. Oh, come on…you had to know a tip jar was coming. What blog have you ever seen without one. I could only hold-out so long. I’ve been eating cereal and water for weeks and my wife will hardly speak to me. So please understand. Thanks.
THAT’S GRAVY DESIGNS. To answer to your question, meet my friend Ryan Gravador. He’s the Man. The cat’s out of the bag. The beans are spilled. But it’s all right. I’m happy to share my “computer guy” with those of you who want website design help from “soup to nuts” or for those who just want a consultation or a bit of occasional help or maintenance. “That’s Gravy Designs” is Ryan’s business. And is he good at what he does! You guys know what a stickler I am for detail, right? Ryan puts up with me and only on occasion does he assert himself and rein me in. And the best part of it for those of you who are on the road like I am is that Gravy and I can work together by phone/text/email/Skype so I don’t have to be in San Diego to get his help.
Ryan’s services include Custom Home Pages, drop-down menus, forms, photo collages, CSS and HML [Social media widgets can be installed to your website along with videos.] Gravy’s experience has branded him a “resourceful and innovative problem-solver.” Assistance and training is offered to customer service departments on a regular basis help them be more successful and knowledgeable. They have named him: “Yoda”, “Batman,” “The Oracle” and ‘My Website Guy.” Me? I have a few other names for him. I’ll tell you the next time I see you.
BUT DON’T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Take a look at Ryan’s website: www.thatsgravydesigns.com and decide for yourself. Give him a call or send him an email. Complete his online “request form” and get a quick response. The man’s an early riser, often at his desk working on projects from about 7:30 am. Awesome. Tip: ‘When you contact Ryan, tell him I referred you. That way I’ll get a huge kickback. Sure, it’ll cost you more for his services and he’ll pass that overhead expense on to you. After all, he’s a businessman. But you can afford it, right? The income I receive from referrals is how I finance the exorbitant lifestyle I’ve enjoyed ever since meeting Ryan for the first time at Starbucks in Bonita, where we met at my request. I was a real amateur, but Ryan was kind and patient as he explained the basics to me. I wouldn’t even have a website today, had it not been for meeting this guy and taking his advice.
AND THAT’S NOT ALL, FOLKS. My website, although I love it, is pretty basic. So, if you’re already sophisticated and have an awesome website, I guarantee it’ll be even better if you hire the guy. When I learned he put together the sites for Apple Computers and Sears, I knew he was going to become my “go-to guy.” Give him a call and tell him Greg sent you. You’ll be amazed how just dropping my name will have Ryan snapping to attention. He knows how to do this, having been a full-bird Colonel in the Army for 30 years before retiring. He was also presented with the Congressional Medal of Honor, presented at the White House before a standing-room only crowd by then President Herbert Hoover. Then, “That’s Gravy Designs” was born in a small garage with Steve Wozniak lending a helping hand. In his spare time, Ryan is a seamstress, poet and rough-water swimmer so if those activities interest you, he’ll be able to relate.
THANKS, RYAN. I appreciate all you do for me. Thanks for being patient…for taking my calls at all times of the day and night and for pricing your services reasonably. You’re the best!